Customer Testimonals

With over 20 years experience in the Internet hosting market, FidoNet is ideally suited to helping you and your business prosper. Here’s what a few of our customers had to say about us.

Forbidden Planet International (FPI) is a world leader in the sale & distribution to individual collectors, of Movie and TV related, Science Fiction & Pop culture merchandise, collectibles, and books. FPI run several web sites, the premier one of which is   Our sites were hosted in the USA. On review we found that housekeeping regimes had not ben performed, redundant files littered the server and security holes existed. We decided to transfer all ten sites, allied mail servers, and all data to the UK. After an extensive search, and interrogating several candidates we chose Fido.Net as the host. The entire transfer was carefully planned, a full copy of everything was implanted on Fido servers and checked for compatibility. Some of the programmes had to be upgraded and re-integrated. When it came time to complete the actual transfer and upgrade, Fido were superb. I’d like to single out Jon Morby and Cliff Stanford especially. Most of the problems encountered were due to very poor housekeeping. Those two were always on call. They worked with us over a weekend and through the early hours of several days to solve the inherent problems we both found. Finally ensuring a full and complete working install. This experience prompted me to request that Fido.Net personnel review our sites with a brief to improve the Customer experience and streamline the operations. Again they have come through. Their initial recommendations have been implemented. Other long term goals are now in planning and test mode on a development copy of the site. All in all, for dedication, perseverance, knowledge and application, I would unhesitatingly recommend Fido.Net
ColinForbidden Planet International

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